Get to Know Shelley Tucker

We’d like you to meet Shelley Tucker, The Ridge Cottonwood’s enthusiastic and inspiring lifestyle director. Though she’s relatively new to The Ridge, she’s lived in Salt Lake City for quite some time and is no stranger to the senior living industry. After working in various skilled nursing and hospice communities, she’s acquired numerous skills in caring for, interacting with and energizing seniors.
Her rapport with residents is revered, and her understanding nature makes her a major asset to the Cottonwood team. Shelley believes her age has something to do with her ability to understand and address issues. She says that being a senior herself allows her to better relate to older adults and identify with the wants, needs and emotions of those she serves.
Shelley enjoys working with seniors for many reasons, stressing how genuine and honest they can be. This honesty is refreshing and offers an interesting perspective on life. Her passion for serving older adults has naturally led her to the lifestyle director position at The Ridge Cottonwood.
Q: What kind of events or activities do you plan for the residents?
A: The residents like to go on different kinds of outings – venturing out to the aquarium or taking a drive. Christmastime is a fun time of year to take night drives because you can see all the lights. Many of our residents really enjoy the challenge of word games. And whether they want to go bowling or stay in and play cards, there’s always something to do – and always new things to try.
We also bring Utah entertainers and speakers to the community fairly often. But you have to mix it up a bit – one entertainer isn’t going to make everyone happy. We once did a line dancing class and a resident asked, “What about square dancing?” So we did that too. It’s important to understand that the same shoe doesn’t fit everybody. When they talk about well-being, it’s not just physical – its physical, mental, emotional. You have to try to find activities that target each of those things. That’s a big puzzle, but everyone needs all of that.
Q: What have you learned working with the residents?
A: It’s important to think of each resident as if they were your own parent or loved one. For example, I want them to participate in the activities they want to be a part of – it’s their choice. Each resident has their own preferences, so they don’t all get involved in the same activities. Options are important. They deserve the option to say, “Yes, I really want to do that” or “That’s not exactly for me.” They’re much happier when they’re involved in the things they most enjoy.
Q: What’s the best part of your day?
A: Every part of my day is a good part of my day! I’m a firm believer in getting up, coming to work and loving what you do. Especially in this industry, you’ve got to really want to be here. And I truly do. My days get a little hectic, but every day is different and fun because each resident is unique.
Q: Why do you think you’re so passionate about seniors?
A: Because I am one! Being a senior myself makes it easy to relate to what the residents are feeling, understand their values and help them achieve their goals. I ask them, “What do you want to do this week? What about right now?” As we get older, we better understand the value of time. It’s important to like what you do right now in the moment.
Q: What have you learned as a lifestyle director?
A: This position has been a whole new experience for me – I’m learning new things every day. I can relate to residents, and I love interacting with them. To be honest, navigating the technology has been challenging for me. But it’s always good to challenge yourself. This job has encouraged me to learn new things.
Q: What makes working at The Ridge different from your past positions?
A: This community is really family-oriented. When I was looking for a job, I was looking for a feeling, not a position, and this community has a real warm, family feeling. Whether it be the staff or the residents, everyone feels like family, and no matter if you’re living here or working here, it’s a place you want to be.