Honoring veterans in a Holladay assisted living facility ahead of Memorial Day

With dozens of veterans at The Ridge Assisted Living Center in Holladay, one employee felt it was important to honor them for their service.
“We have at least 26 veterans,” one of the staff said.
Each veteran was given an American flag pin and a certificate for their service at a ceremony held in the facility.
The ceremony was put together by the living center’s activities director, Christi Gulbransen.
Some of their photos are displayed on one of the walls.
Vet Cubby Caputo pointed out his picture.
“We used to carry a comb in our back pocket. We had wavy hair, we would comb it constantly. Then I got in there, they put me in a barber chair and cut it all off,” Caputo said.
Even after all this time, age can’t erase the memories these veterans have.
Former fighter pilot Peter Arenskov flew off the U.S.S. Midway.
“It’s a two seater. The pilot is up in the front seat, and the RIO — radio intercept officer — is in the back seat,” he said.
Brent Wall, who is 104 years old, joked that the ceremony was too much.
“Well, I think they’ve gone overboard, overdoing the deal. But no! We appreciate it, it’s great of them. It only happens once in a lifetime,” he said.
One resident, who served on the U.S.S. Forrestal, almost didn’t make it back home in his service.
“The Forrestal ended up having nine 1,000 pound bombs explode. It almost turned over and sank — and if it turned over, I wouldn’t be here,” George said.
In partnership with Mountain America Credit Union, KUTV wanted to help with more veteran programs for The Ridge.
Spencer Carver with Mountain America handed $500 to Gulbransen, who said the facility will be having a party.
Mountain America Credit Union donated $500 to The Ridge so they can continue to pay it forward. You can find ways to donate on their website.
If you know someone in your community who is making a positive impact, send us an email at payitforward@kutv.com.
Watch the story here.