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Feb 19, 2020

Residents Get Crafty by Painting Soles for Local Children in Need

With brushes and paint in hand, a group of The Ridge Senior Living residents worked together to create art on TOMS shoes that will be worn by children living in the Salt Lake City area. Residents and team members from all three of The Ridge Senior Living communities painted Soles for Souls, which benefits the local chapter of Big Brothers and Big Sisters.

The painting event took place on Tuesday, February 4, at The Ridge Foothill in Salt Lake City. The group pulled out design books of inspiration and painted pictures on the TOMS shoes. At least a dozen shoes and totes were designed and decorated by the residents and team members. They then presented their donation to Big Brothers and Big Sisters at an event on Wednesday, February 5.

The local ABC and CBS stations covered the story, as did The Deseret News. Watch the joy and interaction on the residents’ faces in the ABC clip below.