Updated Indoor Visitation Information for Utah

Confirmed as of September 4, 2020, at 5:30 p.m. MT
Just in time for the holiday weekend, The Ridge Senior Living is happy to announce that residents can once again visit with family and loved ones inside our communities. To schedule your visit, please reach out to the below contacts. All visits must be scheduled and will be offered at specific times.
The Ridge Cottonwood: videochat@theridgecottonwood.com.
The Ridge Foothill: videochat@theridgefoothill.com.
The Utah Department of Health has permitted communities like ours to host 30-minute, pre-scheduled family visits indoors with specific guidelines, which include:
- Up to two guests per resident visit in designated areas.
- The visitors must always keep a safe distance of 6 feet apart.
- Each visitor will have their temperature taken, answer screening questions, sign a visitor waiver, and must wash their hands.
- Visitors will be required to wear personal protective equipment (PPE): mask, gloves and a gown. Each community will provide all PPE except for a cloth mask.
Outdoor visits will still be available and remain recommended by the Department of Health.
Each community will continue sharing news in the coming days and weeks ahead. Remember, you can stay connected with the happenings at our communities by following our Facebook pages at www.facebook.com/theridgeseniorliving.com and https://www.facebook.com/TheRidgeCottonwood/. Thank you for being a part of The Ridge Senior Living community family.