A Checklist for Caregivers Whose Parent Just Moved Into Assisted Living

You’ve found the place, done the tour, signed the papers, culled through decades of belongings, loaded the moving truck, ensured treasured belongings are placed just so, and said goodnight as your loved one settles in for the first night in their new assisted living home.
It’s time to take a deep breath and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing your parent is in good hands.
After a Move to Assisted Living: A Checklist for Caregivers
While you close one chapter when your parent moves into assisted living, a new one is just beginning. You may no longer shoulder responsibility for your parent’s safety and well-being alone, but your presence and participation play an important role in your parent’s experience as an assisted living resident.
- Plan regular check-ins. During the early days and weeks, while your loved one is settling into a new environment, your presence is reassuring. There’s comfort in knowing a beloved family member is still involved and looking out for their best interests.
- Encourage socialization. If you live nearby, visiting parents in assisted living is important, but be conscious of the community’s activities and social calendar. Time your visits so you’re not keeping your loved one from meeting new people and getting immersed in the community’s culture.
- Expect to make adjustments. Just like any move you’ve ever made, your parent may need some time to feel like they’re settling into a comfortable new home. Furnishings may need to be adjusted, or you may need to speak with staff to resolve a problem that’s worrying your loved one.
- Get to know the care team. During your visits, make a point to meet the staff who are interacting with your parent. They’re now part of your parent’s care team, and open communication will serve you all well. Be sure to visit at different times and on different days, so you can meet different people on different shifts.
- Review the care plan. Every resident has a care plan that outlines the specific care and services that will be provided to address your parent’s specific needs. Ask for a copy of the plan, and continually monitor to ensure it’s being executed as intended. If you have questions or concerns, you can request a meeting to review the care plan.
- Monitor your loved one’s overall condition. With proper care, your loved one is likely to thrive in assisted living. However, you should always monitor for weight changes, unfamiliar grooming habits, sores and behavioral changes, any of which could signal a problem.
- Be an advocate. Just as you likely did before the move, speak up on your parent’s behalf when you notice something amiss. Your parent may not feel comfortable making waves, but you can and should act on their behalf to protect their comfort, safety, and happiness.
- Listen. A move to assisted living is a significant life change, and listening to what your loved one has to say about the experience can help validate the emotions they’re feeling. They may have story after story (after story, after story) about new friends and activities and meals; listen to their tales and celebrate the joy they’re discovering. They may have complaint after complaint about this or that; give their worries equal attention and decide what truly warrants further action.
- Be flexible. When you arrive for a visit, take stock of your parent’s needs and adjust your plans for the visit accordingly. If it’s a good day and your loved one is feeling strong, it might be a great day to take a walk and get some fresh air together. Other days may be better suited for some companionable quiet time watching a favorite movie.
- Take stock of your own needs. Especially if you’ve dedicated a great deal of time to caring for your loved one, you may have some catching up of your own to do. Make a long-overdue lunch date. Enjoy a leisurely day doing nothing at all. Come to terms with this new version of yourself, which may be easier said than done if you’ve come to identify yourself in your role of caregiver.
Is Assisted Living in Your Loved One’s Future?
Learn more about the luxury assisted living options at The Ridge Senior Living in the Salt Lake City and Denver areas. Contact us to make plans to visit and explore how our private residences, upscale finishes, exceptional amenities, and more inspire independence and engagement all at once.